HARARE: ZRP Boss Senior Assistant Commissioner, Charity Charamba, has broken her silence on her role in the Paraffin drama series.

It has taken ages for many to realise that she had featured in the cast. Then video clips of her scenes in the drama started circulating on social media before going viral over the last few weeks.

“The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person who is doing it.

“I have learnt that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel,” said the chief police spokesperson.

In an exclusive interview with H-Metro Snr Ass-Comm Charamba, nee Hofa said she sought for permission to act from both her husband and police urging officers who have the passion to act to do the same.

“I have seen positive and negative comments posted on social media following a video clip about me acting in a drama ‘Paraffin’,” said Snr Ass-Comm Charamba.

“I am surprised by negative comments as if it is a crime to be an actress and why it has become a talk as if it was aired this year.

“To be honest with you, acting was one of my hobbies and during my time at school, I was in drama groups.

“It was a hobby and I was not after money and I am the one who approached Agnes Gwatiringa (Paraffin writer) who called me for auditions and I succeeded.

“I started acting dramas when I was still at Chisipite High School after attending my primary education at Makumbe in Domboshava.

“I am not ashamed to be an actress and for your own information, I was already married when I acted in that drama and I was already with the Zimbabwe Republic Police.

“I was a woman patrol officer attached to investigations department at Harare Central Police Station and some of my senior officers are still within the police service.

“There is a saying that every child is an artist and the problem is how to remain an artist once grown up and as for me, I stopped acting after my job became too demanding.

“I did not act in that Paraffin drama only but in four other dramas that included Pfuma yenhaka and others I have forgotten thanks to those still having them in their archives.

“I was inspired by Paraffin and those days Paraffin was the in-thing on television and I later approached Agnes Gwatiringa through one of my brother in-laws.

“Agnes roped me in and I acted in about five dramas and Agnes gave me different roles and I give all the glory to her because she was a brilliant producer.

“I remember one day I left Pockets Hill at around 3am after Agnes ordered us not to leave without doing something to her satisfaction.

“In one of the dramas, I was given a role to act with Paraffin and what disappointed me was to learn that he was already under the weather and I was shocked by his untimely death.

“That drama was recorded in Goromonzi and the clothes used were donated by villagers since the role wanted a real villager woman as Mai Jeni,” said Snr Ass-Comm Charamba.

Snr Ass-Comm Charamba dismissed rumour that she is bleaching saying her skin is real and her late father was light in complexion.

“Three quarters of my time I stay in the office and my complexion that time was affected by the sun since I was a patrol officer.

“I would go for acting during my spare time not during working hours. Mukabvunza mhuri yangu vanokuudzai kuti ndirimunhu anoseka seka asi handingazoseka ndichitaura zvenjodzi pamigwagwa kana kuudza vanhu zverufu rwevanhu rwunokonzerwa nevachairi vasina hanya kwete.

“Acting is not easy it demands time, knowledge since you have to read the script and understand it before playing your role,” she said. state media