Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) president Nelson Chamisa believes the best way to stay ahead of political opponents is to keep them guessing.

He believes by doing so, one can easily throw opponents off balance.

“Keep them guessing & tossing, stewing, roasting & throw them off balance…

“Remember they infiltrate, manipulate and capture using 4 things 1. Structures 2. internal Processes 3.Law-fare 4. Ambitious/ hungry characters. Be so unpredictable so they can do nothing but it’s,” he says.

Apparently, the ruling party, ZANU PF is reportedly plotting Chamisa’s downfall.

Chamisa is President Emmerson Mnangagwa’s main rival.

In election, Mnangagwa narrowly defeated Chamisa amid vote rigging claims.

Chamisa who is refusing to recognise Mnangagwa as President took the challenge to court, but lost the case.
