The Opposition Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) has announced that they will be selecting their party candidates for the upcoming elections on April 5th.

The opposition movement says it is conducting a grassroots selection process that empowers ordinary citizens to choose their representatives.

According to CCC’s Secretary for Elections, Ian Makone, candidates will be selected based on a strict criteria to prevent any infiltration by rival groups.

“The selection process will be conducted by an Independent Candidate Selection Panel (ICSP), and community members who have signed into the party’s database will be consulted to nominate their preferred representatives.

“In the event that more than one nominee comes up for a position, there will be a process of consultation in the community, followed by a second round of interface with the community to arrive at a single candidate for the elected position.

“All nominated individuals will undergo an internal vetting process to ensure their suitability for the position,” said Makone

Makone emphasized that the party would not accept candidates nominated by opponents, and the full list of successful candidates will be announced and further validated before confirmation by the National Citizen Assembly.

“The selection process will be presided over by an Independent Candidate Selection Panel, which is composed of independent eminent members of the community.

“The validation process will be a complicated one, and a grievance handling committee will be in place to address any complaints from candidates who feel they have been shortchanged.

“The nomination process will commence on April 5th, and the party will be present in all the wards nationally. If more than one nominee emerges from the process for any electable position, the Citizens National Assembly will convene to provide directions in terms of the consensus-building process,” he said

CCC’s commitment to a grassroots selection process that empowers ordinary citizens to choose their representatives is a significant departure from the traditional approach of primary elections.

Chamisa is on record saying his party would make sure that the citizens have the final say on who should represent them.

He has been under fire from some sections of the society particularly ZANU PF members for not going for primary elections.

Chamisa has been labelled a dictator, who is bent on sidestepping basic elements of democracy.

However, Chamisa maintains that his party’s modus operandi is transparent and free from infiltration.

Zwnews/ Zimreview