Renowned investigative journalist Hopewell Chin’ono says he has just spoken to Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) spokesperson Gift Ostallos Siziba who said there are senior party officials assisting self imposed Secretary General, Sengezo Tshabangu.

Chin’ono writes: “I have spoken to CCC spokesman Gift Ostallos Siziba @Cde_Ostallos this morning and he said that there are senior guys in CCC that are aiding Sengezo Tshabangu.

“He said these senior guys are destroying the party and the democratic project because of their political greedy, vindictiveness and hate.”

Chin’ono says, Siziba said these guys should now come out in the open and make their issues public if they are genuine, he also said that the party knows who they are and it has details and indisputable evidence of what is happening.

“The CCC spokesman ended by saying that these Recalls are only benefiting ZANUPF and that the senior guys are as good as working for ZANUPF.

“He said that without ZANUPF, Tshabangu would not effect anything,” writes Chin’ono.
