Former ZANU PF Member of Parliament for Chivi South Killer Zivhu says Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) legislators have allegedly been promised $50,000 each to remain in parliament so that they disrupt ex party president Nelson Chamisa.

“Rumors swirling: CCC MPs allegedly promised 50k each to remain active in parliament and disrupt Chamisa’s initiatives.

“Alleged paid associates of Chamisa’s inner circle. For more info, check with Madam Kore and Ncube,” he says.

Apparently, also posting on his X handle, Zivhu said wolves are after Chamisa but will not succeed.

He said despite him being President Emmerson Dambudzo Mnangagwa’s prime supporter, he doesn’t hate Chamisa.

“Mwari ngavakuchengete, kubva kumakava anoda kudya moyo wako, unova ndiwo unodiwa nevakawanda, zvido zvomoyo wako ngazvizadziswe ne denga, usatya usabvunduka, Mwari havarevi nhemha, ini handikuvengi uye handina gondo newe, I stand with ED, chero zvodini, ndofira mu ZANU PF,” he said.
