Cabinet Ministers have arrived at State House where President Emmerson Dambudzo Mnangagwa will deliver his maiden address before this year’s first Cabinet session.

Cabinet has not been meeting since last year having gone on holiday.

Apparently, on the 11th February both Houses of Parliament will come back after a long break – they adjourned in mid-December last year.

They are expected to deal with the unfinished business when they resume sitting.

Main points:

· When the National Assembly and the Senate adjourn, they set down all outstanding business on their Order Papers (i.e. their agendas) for the next appropriate sitting day.

There is usually too much to be covered in one day, so whatever is not dealt with is postponed to the next appropriate day.

· Both Houses of Parliament can change the order in which they consider business.

Meanwhile, during this session, the Assembly will be asked to ratify the African Charter on Statistics, signed in Addis Ababa on the 4th February 2009.
