BULAWAYO: Prophet Itai Ukama, of Abundant Life Ministries, appears to have correctly predicted events around Zimbabwe’s fiercely contested election held on July 30.


In a video posted by his church on July 22, Ukama says that “next week people will be so disappointed, because it’s not yet time,” he says, as if predicting the reaction to election results showing Zanu PF winning a landslide in Parliament, and pointing to the possibility the party’s leader Emmerson Mnangagwa would be declared President.

He says he saw a “dark cloud” hovering over Zimbabwe.

And then he appears to suggest that should Mnangagwa be declared President, he would not finish his term.

“I’m talking about the outcome of the Zimbabwean election. It’s not yet time. But the time shall come, before the end of time,” he says.

He said in after the July 30 elections, Zimbabwe would continue to “put on the same clothes”. He told his congregation “there will be so much trouble and strife around the nation, and we don’t want this thing to rapture.”

He asked his church to pray so that “blood would not be shed”. zim live