ZANU-PF youths and war veterans yesterday sensationally claimed that the fatal explosion that killed two State security agents(CIOs) and injured 47 party members during a campaign rally in Bulawayo on Saturday was an inside job, involving members of the vanquished G40 faction.

Zimbabwe National Liberation War Veterans Association (ZNLWVA) spokesperson Douglas Mahiya said they suspected that the attack could have been engineered by members of the G40 faction who remained in government and top party structures following former President Robert Mugabe’s ouster last November.

The faction, some of whose members have morphed into the opposition National Patriotic Front, was viciously opposed to then Vice-President Emmerson Mnangagwa’s (pictured) bid to take over from Mugabe.

“War veterans demand that the culprits be brought to book. The evil political machinations of G40 and enemies of the Zimbabwean revolution cannot be ruled out as suspects. We also don’t rule out the evil acts as an inside job, time will tell,” Mahiya said.

He said while the association condemned the attack, they wanted police to release information on the attacks. news day