BREAKING NEWS: President Emmerson Mnangagwa has extended Zimbabwe’s Covid-19 lockdown by another 14 days under Phase 2.

Mnangagwa said the extension and relaxation of some sectors is a fine balance between preserving people’s lives and trying to sustain the country’s economy which has suffered a slump, due to the abrupt lockdown which meant there was neither production nor generation of income.


Main Points:

Operating hours for Industry and Commerce shall be 8am to 3pm.

”Public buses only, will be the mode of transport. Kombis and other smaller taxis are still not permitted to operate.”

”For the avoidance of doubt, the informal sector remains closed, except the agriculture and food supply chains (markets). All those who are vulnerable should approach the Department of Social Welfare for assistance”.

”Churches, gyms, bottle stores, bars, beerhalls and other leisure and recreational facilities remain closed”

Returnees to Zimbabwe from beyond the borders or abroad must be subject to 21 day mandatory quarantine and full Covid-19 testing on day 1,day 8 and day 21.

All schools and tertiary institutions shall remain closed, the government will advise on the opening dates.