Zanu-PF has suspended Cde Christopher Mutsvangwa from the party for three years for gross indiscipline. Also suspended for three years are Cdes Monica Mutsvangwa (Women’s League spokesperson) and Esphina Nhari (Women’s League secretary for administration).

chris mutsvangwa latest news

chris mutsvangwa expelled

Seven former provincial youth chairpersons Godfrey Tsenengamu, Godwin Gomwe, Washington Nkomo, Kumbhulani Mpofu, Vengai Musengi, Edmore Samambwa and Tamuka Nyoni were expelled.

Those fired are believed to be strong supporters of the powerful Vice President Emerson Mnangagwa whose faction Team Lacoste is is locked in a bitter succession war with Generation 40 faction of younger party members led by First Lady Grace Mugabe.