Edmore Mhangami

Waves of shock and terror sprung down the spine of a 13 year old boy who watched his father being stabbed with a knife at Magunje growth point, Karoi.
The terrific incident that transpired recently has become  the talk show of the small farming community.
Kudakwe Mudzingwa (13) saw his father Bernard being stabbed in the lower abdomen by an unknown man on their way home at around 9pm.
A police source who chose to remain unknown for professional reasons confirmed the incident.
The source said police are suspecting that this was an act of revenge as  Bernard is well known for his violence at this shopping centre.
“We are investigating a case of suspected attempted murder which saw a male adult being stabbed once in the lower part of the stomach while his 13 year old boy watched. Circumstances are that Mudzingwa was on his way home from the growth point. He was then approached by an unknown suspect who drew a knife and stabbed him before disappearing into the dark,” said the police.
The source added that his terrified son might have been the one who saved his life after he screamed for help and was heard by people at the growth point.
A good Samaritan then drove Mudzingwa to hospital where he is currently admitted.
“We have since launched a manhunt for the unknown suspect. We also call upon anyone with information that the useful to this matter to come forth and help us hunt down the suspect,” he said.
The police have urged members of the public to desist from moving around during the late hours.
They also encouraged the public to seek peaceful ways of resolving dispute.