Zimbabwe government is in a desperate mode in its bid to arrest the current money and cash crises affecting business.

It is beyond belief that now Zimbabweans have to buy US dollars at black market in order to survive.

Reacting to the unfolding currency shortage disaster, the finance Ministry is working with the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe to bring order to a chaotic situation in which people are now using their banked US dollars to by real dollars.

Today Finance and Economic Development Minister Patrick Chinamasa, gave a comprehensive report on measures being implemented by Government to address cash shortages including re-engagement efforts with multi-lateral lending institutions.

Chinamasa updated the Politburo on the implementation of Zim-Asset with emphasis on measures to address the cash crisis.

These include use of plastic money, charges and fees on the of point of sale machines, Real Time Gross Settlement and mobile banking platforms, cash withdrawal limits, export bonus scheme and enhanced interbank market foreign exchange management.

Chinamasa is seemingly fighting a loosing battle to restore market confidence in a country where people are fearing that their blood and sweat will once again be traded for rubbish money as what happened in the infamous 2008-2009 crises.