PRESIDENT Mugabe has blasted “pastors” who steal from congregants in the name of God.

In the past few years, Zimbabwe has witnessed a mushrooming of pentecostal movements whose often youthful pastors stage-manage miracles to entice congregants from whom they make a fortune through tithes, personal donations and seeding of money.

President Mugabe was speaking at the 60th birthday celebrations of his sister-in-law, Mrs Junior Gumbochuma.

Mrs Gumbochuma is First Lady Amai Grace Mugabe’s eldest sister.

The President and Amai Mugabe gave Mrs Gumbochuma $60 000 as a gift while their children, Russell, Robert Junior, Chatunga, Bona and her husband Mr Simba Chikore gave her $10 000.

The gift was to thank Mrs Gumbochuma, a ZAOGA pastor, for the pivotal role she played in raising the First Family’s children.

President Mugabe took the opportunity to give wise counsel to hundreds of people who gathered for the celebrations.

He said individuals should worship God directly, instead of relying on so-called “men of God”.

He said it was shocking that there were pastors who were flocking to Nigeria in search of God.

“Kana pari pakunamata, ndinoti Mwari hapana minamato yavasingatambire whether you are Catholic or ZAOGA. Kana uri kuPostori dzekwaMarange, minamato yekwaMwari inotambirwa. Minamato kazhinji kuchurch idzi, established churches inobva kuBible, magariro aJesus, maCatholics ndoyavanoda inobva kuNew Testament,” the President said.

“Kune mamwe machurch vanokopa zvese kubva kuna vana Moses. Hatidi, hatidi zvekunyeperwa zvekuti ah tiri mapastor, asi hupastor zvichireva kuunganidza mari dzinobva kuvanhu nguva nenguva. Mari dzevanhu? Kungotora Bible kuna Corinthians kwakuparidza kuvanhu kwave kutoita mari, kupfuma nemazuva matatu.”

 President Mugabe, who is a devout Catholic, urged Christians to read and depend on the Bible, which is the ultimate word of God. state media