Exiled former cabinet minister Jonathan Moyo has come guns blazing in support of Sungura Maestro Alick Macheso saying he is not a spent force, neither will become one.


Reacting to a story in a state run daily, The Herald, Moyo says it is ungrateful to classify Macheso as a spent force.



Context: “Survey shows Macheso now a spent force” -@HeraldZimbabwe


This is unfair, unhelpful, and wrong.


Alick Macheso is a sungura GOAT.


He is a legend, an unsung hero whose music is a national asset, intellectual property and a national treasure with a value that will last forever across generations.


It is insensitive and even insulting to characterise a musician of Macheso’s proven quality and accomplishments, as “a spent force”. That’s wholly uncalled for.


Musicians are not politicians, or like politicians whose standing and work is ephemeral and liable to popularity ratings through surveys of any kind; worst of all, unscientific Twitter or X surveys.


The popularity of musicians and their music is measured by their market base, not surveys.


Musicians with a deep catalogue accumulated over the years, as is the case with Macheso, cannot be spent forces at any time, whether in life or death; never ever.


It is possible for a particular music offering by a leading musician; such as a single or album to have mixed reviews or even to flop; but there’s no way such a situation would mean the musician has become a spent force. Never ever.


Recall, back in the day, when the legendary Tuku released songs like “Right Direction” or “Chirimupoto”, which received mixed reviews, long before he unleashed a scorcher like, “Todii”, not to mention many other top drawer gems.


It is ironic and frankly disappointing, that exactly at a time when sungura music in general – and in particular Macheso’s contribution as an outstanding and unmatched sungura music maestro – are attracting global interest and attention, we get a leading and important national voice, such as
@HeraldZimbabwe, pronouncing and declaring Macheso as a spent force, and peddling such a narrative as news.




Zvimwe ndezvimwe but Macheso is not a spent and will never be a spent force!
