Charles Mabhena

The Australian government through its embassy in Harare has expressed disappointment over the lack of progress in the investigations by President Robert Mugabe’s authorities in finding the whereabouts of the abducted human rights activist and Occupy Africa Unity Square movement leader, Itai Dzamara.

Today marks two years since Dzamara’s abduction, and the Mugabe led authorities are yet to find any leads on his whereabouts, despite having had been directed by the courts to find him.

“The Australian Embassy continues to remain deeply concerned about the abduction of Mr Dzamara, and disappointed by the lack of progress in the investigation of this matter, particularly in the light of a court order requiring action from relevant authorities,” she said.

Zimbabwe’s Constitution provides fundamental rights to all its citizens, including the right to life, personal liberty, freedom from torture, freedom of assembly and association, and freedom to demonstrate and petition.

“For human rights to be respected and the rule of law to prevail, impunity for perpetrators of rights violations must not go unchallenged.

“We once again call on the Government of Zimbabwe to do everything in its power to determine Mr Dzamara’s whereabouts and report on the progress of its investigation,” she said.

Itai Dzamara was abducted by suspected military intelligence on 9 March 2015 over his stance that Mugabe should go. The police have since  developed cold feet in initiating attempts to find him.