Fugitive former Zimbabwe Republic Police (ZRP) Commissioner-General Augustine Chihuri Thursday told the High Court that he is not a dubious character and that he is too rich to steal from the state and the police force.

Through his legal representative, Addington Chinake, the exiled ex-police boss- who is accused of corruption involving US$32 million- also accused former Prosecutor-General (PG) Kumbirai Hodzi of pursuing a personal vendetta against him.

In his submissions, Chinake said:

“He is not a dubious character who woke up to amass such wealth. It is painful, for example, that the applicant being a beneficiary of the land reform programme was also a farmer producing maize which he sold to the Grain Marketing Board,” Chinake submitted.

He further told the court that:

“This case is a good example where the Prosecutor-General’s Office did not satisfy these requirements and for that reason this unexplained wealth order was obtained improperly and in an unconstitutional manner and must be set aside. The forfeiture order was obtained unlawfully,” he submitted.

Hodzi was granted powers to freeze Chihuri’s properties and assets.

The court also heard that the officers, who deposed affidavits against Chihuri were not in the service at the time the offence was said to have been committed.

“The court does not balance the interests of the applicants in assets that they say were illegitimately acquired. They cannot be mass forfeiture which is essentially what this case is about. It’s about mass forfeiture, unconnected, unproven just following mere allegations. There has been no regard to the working history and businesses of the applicant,” said Chihuri.

The US$2 million lawsuit against the former police boss will continue on April 2. privatemedia.
