CHIPINGE – There is an anthrax outbreak in Chipinge and this is posing serious danger to human life as butcheries are stocked with meat from slaughtered sickly cattle.

Chipinge Ward 20 councillor Charles Mugidho confirmed the outbreak and urged authorities to intervene urgently because villagers slaughter and consume meat from the sickly cattle believing that they are dying from the less lethal January disease.

“There is an outbreak of anthrax in Chibuwe, Dakate, Zamuchiya and Chisumbanje and more than 20 cattle have died so far.

“People have been slaughtering sickly cattle and eating the meat all along because these were dying from January disease.

“Butcheries have also been stocking meat from slaughtered sick cattle in large quantities and selling it to unsuspecting customers.

“There is an outbreak of anthrax in Chipinge and people still eat uninspected meat thereby posing serious danger to human life.

“I am urging people to stop consuming meat from uninspected beasts,” said Mugidho.

He said anthrax outbreak is common in the mentioned areas because of their close proximity to conservancies.

“An outbreak of anthrax has hit Chipinge in areas along Save River which is close to the conservancy.

“Farmers are already counting losses and in ward 20 at Dakate Village, over 10 cattle died and another 11 cattle died in Zamuchiya.

“I am calling on stakeholders to raise awareness on the outbreak so that people don’t buy or eat uninspected meat, “he said.

Anthrax is a highly infectious and fatal disease to mammals and humans. Infected animals die within a few days.

Chipinge district is declared a red zone area and movement of cattle in this area is prohibited.


-Masvingo Mirror