He could be just 26 years old and coming from a small town the size of Redcliff in the Midlands Province but vastly talented multimedia director, music producer and recording artiste, Allen Fox, certainly has a bright future ahead of him, artistically speaking.

Born Allen Phiri in the dormitory town some two-and-a-half-decades ago, Allen Fox has already been the recipient of revered showbiz gongs, notably the Outstanding Community Champion during the 7th Annual Changamire Festival Awards.

But for the youthful multimedia director-cum-producer, a lot of work still needs to be covered for his fast-growing Africa Yard stable to live an indelible mark in showbiz.

Apart from the Changamire Festival Awards, Allen Fox has also been the recipient of the All Arts Entertainment Awards for the Best Graphic Designer for 2021 and best magazine of the year for his online publication, the Africa Yard magazine.

“As an artiste, I have decided to divorce my art from the usual way of doing business by fellow competitors in the industry. So, as Africa Yard, we have a publishing house,  a recording studio and we also engage in brand printing- something that is not done by other stables in the country,” Fox said.

He also chipped in, saying:

“As Africa Yard,  we concentrate on uplifting budding artistes in showbiz and we also give talent the chance to unleash itself. I must also hasten to point out that there is an abundance of young talent around and it takes only us, the youths to uplift fellow youths”.

Fox also said that he was inspired by international artists who include illustrator and designer ChiWorld.
