The Secretary General of the African Parliamentary Union (APU) Idi Gado Boubacar is scheduled to fly into the country this afternoon.

The visit is in preparation for the hosting of the 78th session of the executive committee and the 44th conference of African Parliamentary Union.

The APU is a forum for parliamentary cooperation, for promoting peace, democracy, good governance, sustainable development and social progress in Africa.

For this purpose, it holds annual conferences in order to discuss these matters and also organizes parliamentary meetings in cooperation with International Organizations or Institutions.

According to its website, at present, 41 National parliaments including the Parliament of Zimbabwe are members of the APU.

The Union has become a privileged venue for parliamentary dialogue and action in Africa.

The subject and the content of its resolutions as well as the relevance of the recommendations adopted at its conferences show its commitment to all that can contribute to the realization of a sustainable development in Africa based mainly on security and peace, prevention of conflicts, human rights and democracy, participation of women, good governance, fight against poverty and against corruption.

In addition to its conferences, the APU, in partnership with the Arab Inter-Parliamentary, organizes every two years the Afro-Arab Parliamentary Conference Union the latest of which (the 14h Conference) took place in Abidjan (Côte d’Ivoire) in may 2016.

APU works with international organisations and national parliamentary for promoting peace, democracy and sustainable development in African countries.

This is mainly through the organization of thematic conferences and information and training seminars for parliamentarians.
