KARIBA: 70-year-old man from Bulilima drowned after a huge fish he had caught dragged his fishing line forcing him to follow in the water in which he, unfortunately, drowned.

Matabeleland South provincial police spokesperson, Chief Inspector Philisani Ndebele confirmed the incident which occurred at Kariba Dam in Fairview Village on Tuesday at around 11AM.

He said Emmanuel Mudzingwa who stays in Nketa 6 suburb in Bulawayo was fishing at the dam in the company of others when he drowned.

“I can confirm that we recorded a case of drowning which occurred at Kariba Dam in Fairview Village. Emmanuel Mudzingwa was fishing with others when he caught a big fish which pulled the fishing line and drifted with it further into dam. Mudzingwa tried to pursue the fish by following the fishing line. He dived inside the dam and drowned after failing to swim.

“His peers tried to rescue him but failed. Mudzingwa’s body was retrieved from the dam and the matter was reported to the police who attended the scene,” he said.

Chief Insp Ndebele urged members of the public to be careful when around water bodies. He said a number of lives have been lost during fishing expeditions. Chief Insp Ndebele said now that the rainy season had started people should desist from attempting to cross flooded rivers.
