At least four people were seriously injured at Morgan Tsvangirai House, the MDC headquarters in Harare, in a suspected ugly intra-party violence on Saturday.

Property worth thousands of dollars, including a vehicle belonging to party National Executive Member Douglas Mwonzora, was damaged.

The violence took place while the party’s Standing Committee, chaired by President Nelson Chamisa, was holding a meeting at the headquarters.

Sources within the party yesterday said the fight erupted after supporters aligned to Mr Mwonzora came to the head office after they got wind that youths sympathetic to Mr Chamisa wanted to stop the former secretary-general from attending the crucial meeting.

Mr Mwonzora has been in the eye of a storm within the party for his outspokenness and calling for an extraordinary congress to select new leadership after the High Court nullified the appointment of Mr Chamisa and Engineer Elias Mudzuri as co-vice presidents three years ago.

This follows an application by the party’s Gokwe district organising secretary, Mr Elias Mashavire, challenging the decision by the late MDC-T leader Morgan Tsvangirai to unilaterally hand-pick party leadership ahead of others in the contest to succeed him.

Since then, Mwonzora has been accused of working with former vice president Dr Thokozani Khupe, who is now leading a splinter party — MDC-T.

At least three party activists and a passer-by were left injured at Harvest House and filed reports of assault with the police.

Police spokesperson Assistant Commissioner Paul Nyathi confirmed the skirmishes and said investigations were in progress.

state media