A BULAWAYO magistrate has granted $500 bail to a woman who was arrested last week after allegedly being found in possession of 3,14kgs of cocaine with an estimated street value of $314 300.

Mr Franklin Mkhwananzi said the State’s fear that Ms Tholiwe Sheron Tshuma (25) from Emganwini suburb might interfere with witnesses could be easily dealt with.

 “In such an application, the court should always strive to strike a balance in upholding the liberty of the accused and justice. Accused person has been cooperating with the police since her time of arrest. Fears of her interfering with witnesses can be addressed by stringent bail conditions,” he said.

The magistrate granted her bail on five conditions.

He said: “Accused person is to deposit $500 and is to reside at her given address. Accused person must not interfere with State witnesses, she must surrender all her travelling documents and report twice a week to Tshabalala Police Station until the matter is finalised.”

 Prosecuting, Mr Nkathazo Dlodlo said Tshuma was arrested on April 11 at Zimpost along Fort Street and 8th Avenue.

“The accused person was stopped and searched by the detectives and was found in possession of cocaine weighing 3,143 kgs with street value of $314 300,” he said. zimpapers