Three Bulawayo residents were on Saturday robbed at knife point by two men and two women at West Park Cemetery.

Local daily, NewsDay reports that the robbers, who are still at large, went away with US$90, cell phones and a laptop.

Bulawayo police spokesperson Inspector Abednico Ncube told the publication that they were still investigating the matter.

He said the victims were from Mahatshula and Nketa 9 suburbs.

Meanwhile, the Zimbabwe Republic Police (ZRP) is on record urging people to be wary of robbers, and to move in numbers especially when visiting secluded areas.

According to ZRP armed robbery cases are becoming a major cause for concern, saying the rate is alarming.

Of late, warnings were issued by ZRP on the increasing number of armed robberies across the country.

The ZRP also warns members of the public against complacency on security matters and/ or trusting strangers.
