ZANU PF spokesperson Chris Mutsvangwa has come under fire for ‘confessing’ that the ruling party controls the country’s judiciary system.

Mutsvangwa recently said political prisoners should now be released from incarceration because the Southern African Development Community Summit is now over.

His sentiments suggest that the ruling party controls the country’s judiciary system and can determine who should be jailed, for how and who should be released.

Commenting on Mutsvangwa’s utterances, well known murakashi Matigary said Mutsvangwa should never be anywhere near the microphone:

“Mutsvangwa’s statements yesterday were reckless. They undermine the government and law enforcement.

“It now makes sense that he stop these press conferences if his off-the-cuff statements are this reckless.”

Apparently, prominent political analyst Majaira Jairosi says there was a high level meeting within the ruling party to discuss Mutsvangwa’s utterances.

“There was a national security council meeting which was chaired by Mnangagwa in which he expressed that Christopher Mutsvangwa was a liability & working with the 5th column to undermine the govt & the justice system.

“Mnangagwa wants political prisoners to remain in prison.

“Well, in his recent presser, Mutsvangwa suggested what we all know that Mnangagwa & his children control the justice system in Zimbabwe.

“Human rights defenders & political activists will only be released when they want. This is why I always call for protests to resist such,” he says.
