Independent presidential candidate Saviour Kasukuwere is today expected to announce the date he will be coming to Zimbabwe soon to kickstart his election campaign.

His campaign team chairperson Walter Mzembi will make the announcement on Kasukuwere’s behalf.

“Today, I will announce when President
@Hon_Kasukuwere will be coming to Zimbabwe! Apologies I would have done it yesterday but was in the region on debriefs.

“Indeed the X factor Passenger 34 heads home on the date to be pronounced today. Mazvita,” he said.

Apparently, Kasukuwere recently sold the regime a dummy when he booked a flight to Harare from South Africa, and not board the plane.

Kasukuwere later said the trip was a hoax and meant to test the regime’s reaction.

“We have to take security issues into consideration, you don’t board the plane (as) passenger 34 and just rock up without doing some preparatory work. We did exactly that to see the reaction and very interesting results came our way,” he said.

He continued: “Yes, we were concerned and we are still very concerned (security-wise) and will be raising these issues with relevant institutions. We have our Sadc body; we have the monitoring teams that will be coming into our country. It’s important that every contestant is protected, is secure.”

Kasukuwere has been in self-imposed exile in South Africa since 2017 when former president Robert Mugabe was toppled in a military coup and replaced by his former right hand man, and understudy Emmerson Dambudzo Mnangagwa.

The former minister is a loyalist of Mugabe and was linked to the so-called Generation 40 (G40) faction of the ruling party, which wanted Grace Mugabe to succeed her husband. He fled Zimbabwe alongside other G40 members, who include former ministers Jonathan Moyo, Walter Mzembi and Patrick Zhuwao.
