The Zimbabwe Republic Police (ZRP) has confirmed the arrest of 19 police recruits in the Harare Central Business District for unruly behavior.

ZRP spokesperson Assistant Commissioner Paul Nyathi confirmed the development saying the force will not entertain wayward behavior by officers.

Whilst Nyathi did not elaborate more as to what crime exactly did the said recruits do, reports are that yesterday people were being beaten up by police in the CBD.

It was not clear as to why people were being attacked.

In other news, police in Chombira are investigating a case of robbery which occurred at a mine in Rosa, Chiweshe on 17/08/23.

Four unidentified suspects who were armed with unidentified type of pistols attacked a miner and three security guards before stealing 5 X 50 kilograms gold carbons and two cellphones. Anyone with information to report at any nearest Police Station.
