A 13-year-old orphaned girl from Kadoma is experiencing hell on earth following the death of her parents, she is now a beer guzzler living in the streets and exchanges sex for food.
The teenager’s name withheld for ethical reasons stays closeby Kadoma railway station during the day while at night she roams around brothels in search for clients to assist her raise money for meals and beer.
While people may mistake her for something during the day as she is always wearing the same clothes over the past three weeks now, during the night she cashes in from married men who visit her for short time services.
Apart from the fact that the girl seem not bothered about her appearance men of social standing in society and illegal miners are taking turns to have quality time with her.
The vulnerable girl is plying her “business” between Mzansi night club and the town’s long time brothel, defunct Specks Hotel.

She is drinking “Eagle lager” ..Zimbabwe’s cheapest beer
Locals who spoke to this publication said the Department of Social Welfare should consider taking care of this child and hundreds others in similar situation as they risk being infected with diseases and even getting injured in nasty fights between illegal miners who seem to be top clients.