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Some Zimbabweans in Botswana are said to be planning to deliver a petition to the Southern African Development Community SADC offices in the country as they demand fresh elections in Zimbabwe.

They say the just ended elections in Zimbabwe were rigged, hence the need for fresh polls.

One of the organisers of the ‘Shutdown Beitbridge Border Post’ demonstration, Cucsman has confirmed that there is indeed a plan to hand over a petition to the SADC offices in Gaborone.

“In Botswana people will march to the SADC offices and deliver a petition, Zimbabwe can not continue on this trajectory, elections have been rigged since 1980 and revolutionary political parties across Africa have been covering up Zanupf’s mess.

“However, the time has come that we as Zimbabweans can not keep on quite whilst our country is being run down by a few selfish individuals, Zimbabwe belongs to Zimbabweans not Zanupf, we fear fokol,” he says.

In a post on X, Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) spokesperson Promise Mkwananzi wrote: “Mnangagwa will be dragged to a fresh, free & fair election kicking & screaming.

“A fresh election is inevitable. Let us use every peaceful & democratic means available & permissible to bring forth the elections.

“A fresh election beyond Mnangagwa’s wishes. The decision to conduct a fresh election in Zimbabwe is not Mr. Mnangagwa’s decision. It is a decision of all stakeholders in Zimbabwe and the region.

“As @CCCZimbabwe, we have already refused to accept the result. President Nelson Chamisa and his chief election agent did not sign off those sham results.”

However, President Emmerson Dambudzo Mnangagwa is on record saying the elections were done and dusted.

He says any calls for fresh polls is a pipeline dream, which will never happen.
