The Zimbabwe government has instructed Bindura University of Science Education (BUSE) to provide thousands of students to take part in the Anti-Sanctions march set for this Friday, 25 October 2015.

A memo from the Dean of Students to all Deans of Faculty reads:

Kindly be advised that each Faculty in the University is required to provide students to attend the Anti sanctions Public Lecture to be held in the Town Campus Halt today 23 October 2019 at 1400 hours.

On the same note, each Faculty is required to supply 500 students to attend the Anti-sanctions March on Friday the 25th of October 2019.

Buses will be availed by the University to ferry students from the Main Campus and Mount Darwin Road Campus respectively at 0730 hours.

Each Faculty should forward a register of students attending the March to by midday Thursday the 24th of October 2019. We thank you for your co-operation on this national matter.