ZANU PF Patriots have reacted to a move by the European Union (EU) not to fund the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission (ZEC) over alleged vote rigging.

EU recently announced plans to suspend the US$5 million funding extended to ZEC in November last year as the electoral management body becomes the first casualty of last month’s disputed elections.

“The project supporting ZEC, which is managed by UNDP and scheduled to run until December 2024, is currently under scrutiny due to concerns raised by several international electoral observation missions (EOMs) regarding the independence and transparency of ZEC during the 2023 harmonised elections.

“The recent preliminary statements from multiple EOMs, including the EU EOM, have raised concerns about ZEC’s management of the electoral process, particularly regarding its independence and transparency,” said EU.

However, ZANU PF Patriots says if the EU withdrew its funding to ZEC, then it should not be invited for the 2028 polls.

“It’s okay EU

“Come 2028 don’t bother us about observing our elections,” says ZANU PF Patriots.
