Amos Midzi

The Zimbabwe Anti-Corruption Commission (ZACC) has arrested ZANU PF Councillor for Ward 11, Seke, Patson Chipunza on charges of fraudulently subdividing and selling land belonging to the late former Minister of Mines and Mining Development, Amos Midzi’s Estate.

The complainant was referred to Chipunza, who masquerades as the village head and owner of the land.

Acting on the misrepresentation, Chapfunga purchased a piece of land measuring 63 ha for US$29,000.00 & made additional investment of US$41,000.00 on the farm infrastructure.

The fraud was discovered by a co-executor of the estate of the late Midzi, who reported the matter to ZACC, leading to Chipunza’s arrest.

The accused is set to appear in court on 19 June 2024.
