The Democratic Alliance leader John Steenhuisen says with his party at the heart of new South African government, the country is bound to prosperity.

He made these sentiments after being sworn as parliamentarian together with other party leaders including President Cyril Ramaphosa.

He says: “My fellow South Africans, today, the 14th of June 2024, will go down in the annals of history as the start of a new chapter for our beloved country.

We are a nation of honest, hardworking and peace-loving people who care for our families, our communities, and our neighbours.

“We are home to people who conquer hardship and suffering every day just to put food on the table. We are a country that revels in beating the odds and achieving unlikely triumphs.

“From the spring of our great diversity, flows a river of humanity that can quench the thirst we all share for freedom, for prosperity, and for a country we can all be proud of.

“We have done it before. Together, we can now do it again.

“To those people, I say: never bet against the people of South Africa. With the DA at the heart of a new multi-party government, South Africa is ready to write a hopeful new chapter that defies the odds once again.

“My fellow citizens, many people, here and around the world, believe that South Africa’s best days are behind it. They are deeply disillusioned by how a country that was once the darling of the world, descended into corruption, mismanagement, and economic decline.

“To those people, I say: never bet against the people of South Africa. With the DA at the heart of a new multi-party government, South Africa is ready to write a hopeful new chapter that defies the odds once again.

“We are a nation of honest, hardworking and peace-loving people who care for our families, our communities, and our neighbours.

We are home to people who conquer hardship and suffering every day just to put food on the table. We are a country that revels in beating the odds and achieving unlikely triumphs.
