A ZANU PF women’s league National Assembly meeting was held today where a resolution for Mnangagwa to remain president till 2030 was passed.

According to former military intelligence officer, Cde Never Maswerasei via his X handle International Cables News, after the announcement, Mnangagwa said he was happy & would rely on them & the youth league even if the war vets disapprove of it.

He says details he is getting suggest that this was deliberately done while vice president Constantino Chiwenga is absent so that by the time he returns, the train would have left the station.

Maswerasei adds that the plan to dribble past the General was hatched at Mnangagwa’s Precabe Farm on Saturday.

Apparently war veterans are said to be fuming with rage over the matter.

“When Chiwenga was updated via WhatsApp he did not comment preferring to behave and react indifferently to the news.

“Meanwhile Wicknell Chivayo is said to be planning to seize the opportunity & buy cars for women’s league leaders,” notes Maswerasei.
