The opposition MDC Alliance’s incarcerated Harare West MP Joana Mamombe who is said to be ill and Cecilia Chimbiri are expected to appear at Harare High Court, where they are expecting to hear the determination of their bail appeal.

The appeal was filed by Zimbabwe Lawyers for Human Rights (ZLHR) on behalf of the duo who have been in prison since March.

Meanwhile, ZLHR says their lawyers have also been advised by Prosecutor Michael Reza that Mamombe should appear in courtroom 14 today to assess whether she is ready to stand trial on charges of communicating/publishing falsehoods prejudicial to the state for which she was arrested and charged in 2020.

However, the opposition MDC Alliance says the incarcerated Harare West MP has fallen gravely ill from a stomach ailment at Chikurubi Prison.

Party secretary for Public Service Maureen Kademaunga, who visited the prison yesterday, said Mamombe was taken to hospital last night.

Magistrate Muchuchuti Guwuriro previously ruled that the duo should remain in prison & wait for commencement of their trial on 5 May as there were no changed circumstances to warrant their release from jail on bail.

However, their lawyers filed a chamber application at the High Court, hence they are supposed to appear today.
