By Barbara Mutedzi

Typically healthy, high performing people are super clear and focused on their goals, values and purpose.

These types of people are also very good at setting boundaries, both consciously and unconsciously.

Unconsciously, because their time is filled up with activities aligned to their values, purpose and goals.

Consciously as they choose where and with whom they want to spend their time with.

Those who are fully aware and conscious, also have the added understanding that the world is dynamic and so allow for flexibility in their schedules for trying out new things, meeting new, aligned people, trying new adventures, exploring their curiosities and making time for things that bring them joy.

Every thing is scheduled.

To the outsider, these healthy, high performing people, may look and feel available, but actually, behind the scenes, this “extra time” they seemingly have, has been implemented in their diaries, to allow the ebb and flow of life.

Time management is life management.

Be clear on your values, define and be clear on your personal, professional and business goals; design and create a daily and weekly schedule with flexible periods also included for creativity and adventures; then every day, engage, cultivate and display the habits and behaviors that will help you stay on track.

Should something come ‘out of the blue’ / ‘out of nowhere’, use your values and goals, to gauge whether this thing is aligned with what you are striving toward.

Your values and goals are your measuring tools for letting things/ people in or allowing room for other things/ people that are better suited.

Use your goals and tools in all areas of your life. They are useful as measuring guides when it comes to the people you spend time with, the people you hire, the family members you spend more time with, and those you don’t.

You are the average of the 5 people you spend most of your waking time with – from the time you were born. As an adult, you have the ability to choose.

Your values and goals really do speak to every single thing, what you wear, how you address others, what environment you are creating in the office, how you are negotiating business deals, how you walk, what you eat…every single thing.

*Barbara Mutedzi is a life coach