ZANU-PF acting spokesman Patrick Chinamasa has mocked opposition parties in Zimbabwe, MDC formations in particular saying they are like outgoing US President Donald Trump who does not accept electoral defeat.

His mockery follows the just ended chaotic MDC-T elections won by Douglas Mwonzora. Whose other contenders have rejected the outcome citing vote rigging.

Speaking during ZANU-PF Post Central Committee Special Brief Chinamasa said the ruling party lumps all MDC formations together in one basket because they all lack vision and cannot accept defeat.

“All of them have Trump-like behaviour,” he said adding that they always cite vote rigging when they lose elections either at party level or national.

Chinamasa said MDC fights aren’t about policy because none of them have any.

He said since their formations the MDCs have only two policies the first being ‘Mugabe must go,’ while the second and current policy is ‘Mnangagwa must go.’

Chinamasa underscored President Emmerson Mnangagwa’s call for Peace, Unity and Development in Zimbabwe and called on all Zimbabweans to take Mnangagwa’s heed for continued vigilance against the machinations of the neocolonialists.

He also urged the ruling party leadership and Zimbabweans to promote Peace and Unity which he said are essential ingredients to development and progress in the country.