Sungura maestro Alick Macheso is set to perform at Vicas Beer Garden in Harare’s Waterfalls suburb tonight setting in motion a bumper entertainment programme across the country.

Tomorrow he will be at Shamva’s Liquid Lounge alongside Somandla Ndebele.

Macheso is one of Zimbabwe’s top Sungura musicians of all time. He is an award winning guitarist, lyricist, and dancer.

Macheso rose to prominence in the early 1990s with his album ‘Magariro’ which carried the hit ‘Pakutema munda’ and ‘Baba namai’.

Some of Macheso’s albums include:

Magariro (1998)
Vakiridzo (1999)
Simbaradzo (2000)
Zvakanaka Zvakadaro (2001)
Zvido Zvenyu Kunyanya (2003)
Vapupuri Pupurai (2005)
Zvinoda Kutendwa (2010)
Kwatabva Mitunhu(kure kwekure)(2012)
Tsoka Dzerwendo (2016)
Dzinosvitsa Kure (2018).
