Former Democratic Alliance (DA) leader Mmusi Maimane says the African National Congress (ANC) should stop tolerating ZANU PF.


He says South Africa pays a heavy price for the dictatorship in Zimbabwe but the ANC keeps enabling this repressive and corrupt regime next door led by President Emmerson Dambudzo Mnangagwa.


“We cannot fix the immigration crisis in South Africa while Zimbabwe continues to be led by a corrupt and violent regime.


“42% of foreign nationals living in South Africa are from Zimbabwe, they want to go back home but they can’t return while the Zanu PF is rigging elections and abusing human rights.


“How can we say we stand for human rights on the global stage and ignore atrocities committed right next door, atrocities we can prevent and hold Zimbabwe accountable for.


“From Gukurahundhi until today the Zanu PF government has blood on its hands and the ANC knows this.


“Why does SA government remain silent about the conduct of Zanu PF? Is it because bodies dying in are black? Is it because the children starving in Zimbabwe are black?


“If Black Lives Matter to our government they should not attend or support the SADC summit in solidarity with the people of Zimbabwe.


“You should not set foot in Zimbabwe @CyrilRamaphosa. No SA diplomat or government official should attend.


“SA should encourage a regional boycott. Stand on the right side of history and stop enabling the dictatorship on our doorstep.


“The fire in Zimbabwe is burning your children in South Africa, why do you continue to support Mnangagwa?


“There is nothing pan african about supporting the repressive Zanu PF regime.


“It is time for wealthy politicians with business relationships and business interests in Zimbabwe to put aside their selfish motives for supporting Zanu PF and to put our South African national interest firsts and the SADC interests first,” he said.

