Reporter- Lovemore Lubinda

Amalgamated Rural Teachers Union of Zimbabwe (ARTUZ) has engaged the Zimbabwe Human Rights commission (ZHRC) on the new curriculum.

ARTUZ says the current implementation of the new curriculum is chaotic and should be stopped until an inclusive and workable framework; complete with budgetary support has been put in place.  

Speaking at the union’s offices in Harare, Obert Masaraure, and ARTUZ President said they have submitted recommendations, that the Ministry of Education should urgently introduce an Education Equalisation Fund that will be funded by resources from the ZIMDEF, Zimbabwe mineral wealth and other revenue sources collected by the state.

The fund will be used to pursue the Nziramasanga recommendations of developing infrastructure in the rural schools, electrify them and further be utilised to procure equipment such as computers.

He said an education equalisation fund will go a long way in creating a single pot for accountable and transparent management of the fund that are targeted at the education sector.

“There should also be immediate merging of the education ministries to bring harmony in education legislation, policy and institutional frameworks so that we have quality, accessible and affordable education for all,” said Masaraure.

He added, “Moreover, merging ministries will save millions of dollars, currently servicing a bloated bureaucracy in the two ministries.

“Budgetary support, as recommended by the Nziramasanga Commission is critical for the non formal education such that it delivers skills for survival and absorption into the emerging opportunities.”

Masaraure told officers from the ZHRC that the current arrogance from the ministry of Education will only take the education system down a path to disaster.

Officers from the ZHRC, said they will take the recommendations to the Ministry of Education and seek for the resolving of the new curriculum issue.