In the presence of everyone assembled here, and in full realisation of the high calling I assume as President of the Republic of South Africa, I, Matamela Cyril Ramaphosa swear that I will be faithful to the Republic of South Africa, and will obey, observe, uphold and maintain the Constitution and all other law of the Republic; and I solemnly and sincerely promise that I will always.

  • Promote all that will advance the Republic, and oppose all that may harm it;- Protect and promote the rights of all South Africans;- Discharge my duties with all my strength and talents to the best of my knowledge and ability and true to the dictates of my conscience;

  • Do justice to all; and- Devote myself to the well-being of the Republic and all of its people. So help me God.

We gather here, as people born of the same soil across our nine provinces that make up a unitary South Africa, determined that by our deeds we shall heal the divisions of our past, and overcome the ongoing inequalities and hardships of the present.

We declare for all to know that neither discord nor dissent shall cause us to cast aside that which calls us to build a united, free, just, equal and prosperous nation.

On this day, we assert by solemn oath the will of the people of this land.

We affirm our unwavering fidelity to the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, which is based on the enduring vision and values of the Freedom Charter.

As the leadership of this diverse nation, we have a sacred duty to unite the people of South Africa.

We affirm that history has placed on our shoulders the responsibility to transform our country into a non-racial and non-sexist society.

We affirm our determination to build a more equal and caring society.

We affirm our resolute quest to build a growing and inclusive economy that offers opportunities and livelihoods to all people.

We rededicate ourselves to the task of democratic renewal and social and economic transformation so that no one is left behind.

Meanwhile renowned journalist Hopewell Chin’ono comments:

Congratulations to Cyril Ramaphosa for being chosen, elected, and inaugurated as South Africa’s President for his second and final term of office.

The ability of South Africans to navigate around a hung parliament is commendable and indeed historic, since it is the first time that the ANC has gone below 50% of the national vote.

Every South African, Southern African, and African in general must wish Ramaphosa and his soon-to-be new cabinet the best, because it is in the best interests of everyone in Africa for South Africa to succeed.

It is the biggest economy in Africa and hosts millions of Africans who are working and investing in it.

I hope that the coalition government will have more players who can make it a genuine Government of National Unity and many talents instead of an ordinary coalition of four political parties.

The markets are responding positively, it can only be wrecked by politicians, hopefully not! Sad news for the ANC is that it has never recovered any lost votes in the last 30 years of post colonial rule.

So it means that Ramaphosa and his folks must do things differently otherwise this could be the last time we see an ANC President being inaugurated without drama.
