Junior police officers have complained to their superiors about Zanu PF officials who are interfering with their duties as the country prepares for the August 23 harmonised elections.
NewsDay is reliably informed that low-ranking police officers petitioned their commanders saying they were failing to discharge their duties because of undue influence.
An audio recording of Environment and Tourism deputy minister Barbra Rwodzi verbally assaulting a police officer who had opened a docket against a Zanu PF member who defaced Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) campaign posters recently went viral on social media.
In a recorded phone call, Rwodzi who is also the Zanu PF Chirumanzi South legislator threatened to report the police officer dealing with the matter to Commissioner-General Godwin Matanga and President Emmerson Mnangagwa.
The incident sparked outrage within the rank and file of the police who felt undermined.
Police officers are said to have asked Matanga to take action against Rwodzi, to “restore police dignity”.
National police spokesperson Assistant Commissioner Paul Nyathi said police bosses were seized with the matter.
“Matanga is aware of such complaints and we have taken note of the alleged voice recording between Rwodzi and the police officer,” Nyathi said. -Newsday