Exiled former cabinet minister Jonathan Moyo says if given the chance, President Emmerson Mnangagwa would want Finance Minister Mthuli Ncube or Information Minister Monica Mustvangwa as Vice President.

Sooner or later Mnangagwa will be picking someone to replace former Vice President Kembo Mohadi who resigned as VP over his alleged sex scandal.

“If he were to have his way, Mnangagwa would handpick
Mthuli Ncube and Monica Mutsvangwa as his Vice Presidents.

“That is his dream. He’s scheming around the clock to make it come true.

“The top Cdes who enabled his November 2017 power grab have become his number one enemies,” says Moyo.

Currently, Mnangagwa has only one deputy following Mohadi’s resignation few years ago.

Apparently, there has been calls that his next VP should be a woman, if such a call prevail, then as suggested by Moyo Monica Mustvangwa would land the post.
