THE Zanu-PF faction linked to vice president Emmerson Mnangagwa has approached opposition leader, Dumiso Dabengwa, offering him a role a “new government”, it has emerged.

Dabengwa, a former cabinet minister, quit the ruling party ahead of the 2008 elections frustrated by President Robert Mugabe’s refusal to retire. reports that Mnangagwa recently dispatched war veterans leader Chris Mutsvangwa to speak to offer the Zapu leader a role in a post-Mugabe cabinet.

“They told President Dabengwa that there is no one from Matebeleland region who would qualify to be the Vice President other than the Zapu leader,” said the official who did not want to be named.

“President Dabengwa gave them three conditions; the first one being that of lobbying for the return of all Zapu properties which were taken by Zanu-PF.

“He also told the Mnangagwa faction to tear-up the 1987 peace accord signed by Mugabe and the late Vice President Joshua Nkomo.

“The third issue was that President Dabengwa would not accept regional positions; he wants to be in government with all his party structures represented nationally.”

Mutsvangwa confirmed reaching out to Dabengwa on Wednesday while addressing journalists at the launch of their anti-G40 election campaign. news zimbabwe