Today, for the first time in the history of Zimbabwe, ministers are signing Performance Contracts before President Emmerson Mnangagwa.

Permanent Secretaries are also getting their results from the contract they signed last year.

Meanwhile, vice Chancellors, CEOs of Parastatals, Govt Agencies are signing theirs as well.

President Mnangagwa described it as an “extraordinary milestone” in the history of public sector management in Zimbabwe, permanent secretaries on Friday signed performance contracts which will be used to gauge their efficiency as heads of Ministries.

Speaking at the signing ceremony last year, President Mnangagwa said the new system was envisaged to result in robust public sector institutions and a leadership that was results focused.

“The Second Republic is about action and results and all our activities should be streamlined accordingly to make positive and lasting impacts for the growth of our economy and overall improved quality of life for our people,” he said.

“A performance contract is a tool we have opted for as government. This is a negotiated performance agreement between government, acting as the owner of an agency and the permanent secretary acting as the management of the agency.

“It specifies what needs to be achieved, expected levels of achievement, timelines and reporting modalities,” he said at the time.
