“ED escaped when Robert Mugabe wanted to kill him, let alone ‘a poor person’ after having roasted corn for lunch say ED must go.”
Former ZANU-PF Chivi South Member of Parliament, Killer Zivhu says those who are wishing for President Emmerson Mnangagwa (ED) to go (step down) should think twice, as some mighty men tried to kill him but failed.
Zivhu says: “If one is talked ill of; that doesn’t make them sick, imagine ED spent some time on the death roll when he was sentenced to the gallows by Ian Smith’s government, but survived.
“ED escaped when Robert Mugabe wanted to kill him, let alone ‘a poor person’ after having roasted corn for lunch say ED must go.”
(“Iwe ukanzi unorwara hama dzako hadzivati uchihwa gumbo chairo, what about ED wakagara akamirira kufa achida kuvurawa na Smith.
“Akatiza achida kuvurawa na Mugabe, kozoti iwe zvako waguta maputi kwava kuti ED must go.)
Zivhu adds that if Mnangagwa is to resign today, there would be a leadership crisis in Zimbabwe, adding that his successor is still in university.
“If ED resign today the will be leadership crisis in Zimbabwe ,chitonamatayi kuti after 2030 arambe aripo until the successor is grown up since he is still at university.
“Motoudza Pastor Chamisa na Bishop Dzinemunhenzwa vakwire makomo kuti ED asasiya basa before 2035.
Zivhu adds that ED is not a corrupt person at all, but some people use his name for their corrupt deals.