Zimbabwe government spokesperson and Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Information, Nick Mangwana stirs storm pushing a theory suggesting that doctors in the country are killing political players through COVID-19.

This comes at a time when President Emmerson Mnangagwa and the First Lady Auxillia are preaching unity of purpose against the pandemic.

Apparently, Mangwana has come under fire for sharing conspiracy theories about ‘medical assassins’ thus elimination of political players in hospitals using COVID-19.

Meanwhile, renowned journalist Violet Gonda described Mangwana’s assertions as dangerous and irresponsible.

“True. Dangerous logic by a govt spokesperson. Perhaps they are trying to justify why the chefs seek medical treatment outside the country,” says Gonda.

Another concerned analyst said:

“Forget Unity, this irresponsible thinking and conspiracy may cause people of certain political persuasion highlighted by @nickmangwana to shun hospitals and therefore just have the opposite effect of killing more people. Dangerous logic. Covid-19 is killing everyone.”

Political analyst Alex Magaisa has taken a dig at Mangwana saying his comments could cause public despondency.

“If he does not make a report, then @PoliceZimbabwe should kindly invite him for a conversation because by peddling conspiracy theories under the guise of third party reporting, Mangwana is causing “alarm and despondency”. Isn’t that phrase one of the regime’s favourites?”

He added:

“For a former nurse, Secretary Mangwana displays pedestrian thinking. He & his chums were openly violating COVID-19 rules as if they were special. They were holding useless meetings & parties. Now he’s peddling conspiracy theories & looking for scapegoats among doctors & nurses.”

This came high on the heels of some political leaders and senior government officials died of coronavirus.

Some of the senior government officials who just died from coronavirus include Foreign Affairs Minister Sibusiso Moyo, and Transport Minister, Joel Biggie Matiza among other ruling party senior cadres.
