President Robert Mugabe has been warned of worsening political unrest in Zimbabwe if he and his backers do not listen to the demands of the people.

Mugabe’s government has been engaged in street and court battles with protesters from the opposition parties and rebel Zanu PF youths and war veterans  who have openly asked for a new breed of leadership in Harare.

Speaking in the wake of relentless attacks against liberation war veterans and protesters, Victor Matemadanda, the secretary of the Zimbabwe Liberation Fighters has revealed that his life and that of his comrades in arms is now an endless nightmare ever since they asked Mugabe and his corrupt backers to retire en-mass.

Meanwhile, war vets political commissar, Mr Francis Nhando expressed concern over ignorant Zanu PF politicians who are treating Mugabe as a god.

“Those who lie to him go further to take him as a ‘god’, treating him like a religious sort of thing that has eternal life on earth. No, that’s not it. We can’t worship a mortal who is not even performing optimally,” said Nhando.

“Those who say Mugabe must not retire are lying to him, they are not telling the truth, big pretenders,” he added.

Nhando warned that Zanu PF will be humiliated in the 2018 presidential election if  Mugabe is not replaced by a younger and more able politician.
