Zimbabwean social media was set abuzz after a sangoma, or traditional healer, claimed to have helped socialite Hillary Makaya marry a wealthy man, commonly referred to as “mbinga” in local slang. Makaya swiftly responded to the potentially damaging allegations on her Instagram stories.

The sangoma, Sekuru Mwale, took to Facebook to accuse Makaya of reneging on a deal they allegedly made. According to Mwale, the agreement was that Makaya would share a portion of her lobola money with him in exchange for his assistance in securing her marriage. However, he claimed that Makaya had since cut off communication and failed to honor their agreement.

N’anga Threatens Makaya Over Alleged Unpaid Deal

Sekuru Mwale has now threatened to “punish” Makaya through traditional means, asserting that he has evidence of their interactions, including purported WhatsApp messages. He detailed his grievances in a lengthy post, warning that any consequences she faces should not be seen as unjust.

Mwale even shared screenshots of alleged conversations with Makaya to back up his claims.

Hillary Makaya Denies Sangoma’s Allegations

In response, Hillary Makaya dismissed the claims, denying that she ever sought the help of a sangoma to find a wealthy husband. During an Instagram Q&A, Makaya sarcastically remarked that if life were that simple, every woman would have a rich husband.

“I really wish life was that easy, mukadzi wese angadai ane mbinga yake 🥺 Dai vanhu vasirikukwangwaya kunze uko 🤣🤣,” she responded, brushing off the allegations.

She further joked that others who are interested in getting married should consider visiting the sangoma themselves.

“Endaiwo kun’anga kwacho muroorwewo 😄😄😄,” Makaya quipped.

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