VP Constantino will be acting Head of  State after President Mnangagwa left the country early today for Guinea on a State visit that will see Zimbabwe and the West African country digesting ways of strengthening relations in all spheres.

The two-day visit is at the invitation of President Alpha Condé.

President Condé despatched his foreign minister Mr Mamadi Toure to Zimbabwe in May this year.

Mr Toure met President Mnangagwa and expressed his country’s interest in developing cooperation with Zimbabwe.

“We want to develop cooperation starting with a Joint Commission to explore areas of cooperation in areas of agriculture, energy, construction and so on.

“We want to explore areas where we can cooperate for the benefit of both countries.

“Ours is a very old relationship which dates to the time of the struggle for independence. Guinea was on the side of Zimbabwe and many other countries who were fighting for independence at the time. So we want to be reactive, give new impetus to this relationship that is political and also economical,” he told reporters soon after meeting President Mnangagwa.

President Mnangagwa has anchored his foreign policy on engagement and re-engagement with all countries as he seeks to beneficially position Zimbabwe on the global map after over two decades of isolation.

Since he became President, nearly a year ago, President Mnangagwa has visited a number of countries among them Botswana, China, Qatar, Tanzania, Zambia and South Africa, where he sought to boost both political and economic relations.

state media