ZANU PF National Chairperson Oppah Muchinguri-Kashiri has cautioned party members against using the 21st National People’s Conference Resolution Number 1 as a tool to attack fellow members, create divisions, and foster artificial factionalism within the party.
Speaking at a special State of the Party indaba held at the Zanu-PF headquarters in Harare yesterday, Muchinguri-Kashiri expressed concern over the abuse of the Resolution 1, which seeks to extend President Mnangagwa’s term of office to 2030.
She said the resolution, collectively agreed upon, should not be monopolised or exploited to provoke discord or petty disciplinary cases.
Meanwhile, Muchinguri tried to play it safe during slogan time, shouting Pamberi ne 2030; Pasi nezvigananda.
While 2030, is a pro Mnangagwa slogan, Pasi nezvigananda was coined by Vice President Constantino Chiwenga who is against all forms of corruption.
Some critics view it as a balancing act on the part of Muchinguri.
ZANU PF is said to be divided into two groups, one supporting Mnangagwa’s stay in office beyond his term limit which ends in 2028.
The other is said to be calling for vice president Chiwenga to take over.